Saturday, March 13, 2010

Friends to the end?

So, I've written a little about my retired neighbors. I was talking to my neighbor, Nancy, a week or so ago. She'd had her friend down visiting all week. I found out that Nancy and Ellen's moms were close friends, and then Nancy and Ellen kept up their friendship over the years. They visit each other every year; Ellen comes to NC, and then later in the year Nancy goes to NY.
That got me t h i n k i n g .
What if that could happen with my girls and Naphtali's girl? (Naph and I were friends and roommates at Messiah College, and now we're both in Charlotte.) Ella Grace is just 11 days older than Clara, and she's about 20 months younger than Izzy. Who knows what the future holds but God?! :)

Thanks for lunch, Naph!

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