Friday, September 4, 2009

Our girly girl--thanks to Carissa!

You mow the grass with your necklace, bracelet, and hairbow, right???
Loving her new tutu from Carissa. Yesterday, she wouldn't put it on, but today, that's all she's wanted!!! She even climbed up on the coffee table to say "hi" to Clara. :)

Big smiles from my girly girl!

1 comment:

  1. cute. Glad she decided to wear it today:) Every Princess deserves a big puffy TuTu...Izzy will have to come over for a cookie & Tea Party and they can wear them together. What do you guys have going on next week tues weds or Thursday morning? Let me know if you want to come over to play!!! Anytime from 9:45-12:30 would be great, Mason has school then:)
